Thursday, December 5, 2019

Starting on AWS

I've just started on AWS, successfully setting up an instance of RStudio!

Jonas Schröder's instructions worked without a single hitch!

My next steps are to get SAS (Viya?  University Edition?) to run on AWS.

Then I'll try to move data to and from AWS.

Friday, August 9, 2019

JSON, List Parsing with the R Package Listviewer

I was looking for help with JSON files, and found a package 'Listviewer'; the function jsonedit() creates a tree view of list items (complete with drop-down arrows for moving between a collapsed and expanded view.  The page created with RMarkdown is here (you will have to download a copy to your computer and open it in a browser; Google Drive will show you only the raw html):


Friday, July 12, 2019

Entity Resolution Workshop

I just attended a workshop on Entity Resolution. Professor Rebecca Steorts, of Duke University, demonstrated modern methods of matching people between different data sources, which can overcome errors and differences. See this website:

Friday, June 21, 2019

R Workshop - Patchwork and GGanimate

I attended a workshop yesterday.

In this session, the instructor walked us through some examples with the packages 'patchwork' and 'gganimate'.   I will just discuss patchwork here (at least for now).

Patchwork provides an easy grammar for setting up groups of plots, which is much easier than other methods.  Here's an example of placing three graphs ('bar', 'smooth' and 'box') in a desired layout:

Grouping & Nesting
If we have multiple plots, we may want to group them a certain way.

The source for patchwork is:;

You will likely need to install the following packages:

  • ggrepel 
  • gapminder
  • gifski
  • transformr
  • patchwork

  • I will follow up later, discussing 'gganimate'.

    Tuesday, June 18, 2019

    R before P

    This summer will be the Summer of Python, but I'll spend the next week brushing up on some R tidbits. 

    I've found a nice tutorial on the details of Magrittr, which helped me understand and avoid some of the errors I've been getting:


    I've briefly skimmed a few other things on that site, and it's a good site to keep track of!

    My First Post!


    If you are reading this, then I've set up a blog on (and possibly using Blogger (or you're a history AI from the mid 21st century sorting through the detritus of the Long Long Ago).